As with everything that surrounds "Golden Balls" there has been outrage over the last week since Stuart Pearce announced that there would be no place for Beckham on the Team GB Football squad. Most of the outrage focuses on the fact that David deserves his last hurrah and that a sentimental approach should have been taken to the squad selection. So let's look at the argument... Beckham has done so much for the Olympic bid Well he's done some things but how much deserves a place on the squad? I'm not sure, he's been pictured with the flame quite a lot and has lent his presence to certain events. Is this enough or if he had done more would he have been guaranteed a place? Also, Craig Bellamy seems to have done sod all for the Olympics so how did he get his place? This argument is seriously flawed because the only reason it can be used is if by doing what he did for the bid David thought he would automatically get a place. Now, if he th...