Seven Habits of Highly Effective Coaches About twenty years ago I was promoted from a Financial Adviser to a Sales Manager immediately becoming responsible for helping a team get the best out of their working day. Overnight my whole outlook on work altered. I'd gone from being responsible solely for myself to having to put the needs of the team first. I had to try to work out how to best help them. However, I'd never really understood how to best help myself let alone a disparate group of Sales people. I decided to look for help and was introduced by a mentor to The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. Despite clearly sitting on the Self Help shelf, one I tend to avoid, this book helped shape my thinking as a Manager and a person. Recently, I've revisited the work as I often do and tried to apply it to my Football Coaching. I really cant recommend this book highly enough. The Seven Habits. For h...